Scheduled Dates: 03 – 14 Mar 2025 | 16 – 27 May 2025 | 08 – 19 Sept 2025 | 08 – 19 Dec 2025
Duration: 1 Week
Customized dates and one-on-one sessions can be organized.
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:
- Distinguish performance/VFM audits from financial audits;
- Identify the types of performance/VFM audits based on performance expectations or risks within government programs;
- Understand the role of auditing in public sector governance;
- Understand and consider the steps in planning a performance/VFM audit;
- Understand how programs are selected for audit and how performance/VFM audit objectives are developed based on identified risks/vulnerabilities;
- Describe different data collection and analysis methodologies, and their applicability to specific objectives;
- Review performance auditing approaches for economy, efficiency and effectiveness;
- Review audit program development and components of audit fieldwork;
- Identify elements of audit findings including cause, condition, criteria and effect;
- Review evidence in terms or quality, quantity, and types;
- Review audit reports and report writing; and
- Review best practice suggestions for developing audit recommendations.
1. Concept and Purpose of Performance/VFM Audits
- Overview of performance auditing process
- Characteristics of performance audits
- Role of auditing in public sector governance
- Differences from financial audits
- Selected standards for performance/VFM audits
- Sources of audit guidelines
- Interdisciplinary knowledge requirements for government auditing
- Exercise – Challenges to performance auditing
2. Audit Plans
- Performance auditing planning process
- Audit selection
- Audit ability
- Estimating audit budgets
- Selection and prioritization under constraints
- Case study – Fleet Services Branch
3. Planning for Specific Audit Projects
- Audit standards
- Mapping programs
- Overview of Input-Process-Output-Outcome approach
- Definition of program
- Program design and components
- Government service delivery model
- Steps in mapping a program
- Exercise: Mapping a program within Fleet Services Branch
4. Establishing Audit Objectives and Scope
- Defining/refining the audit objective
- Develop audit scope
- Government performance expectations model
- Performance measurement
- Performance measures
- Well-developed audit objectives
- Exercise – Developing audit objectives for Fleet Services Branch
5. Audit Methodology Using a Measurement-Based Approach
- How to conduct a measurement-based performance audit
- Program definition and performance expectations
- Government expectations model
- Analyzing program performance through performance measures
- Sources of performance criteria
- Exercise: Performance criteria within Fleet Services Branch
6. Developing Audit Methodology
- Steps required to develop audit methodology
- Qualitative methods of gathering evidence
- Quantitative methods of gathering evidence
- Methodology considerations
- Exercise: Match objectives to methodologies
7. Selected Performance Audit Approaches
- Auditing input economy
- Auditing process efficiency
- Auditing outcome effectiveness
8. Audit Program and Fieldwork
- Developing the audit program
- Exercise: Capital equipment replacement program of Fleet Services Branch
- Conducting the fieldwork
- Exercise: Audit fieldwork for the Fleet Services Branch Audit
9. Audit Findings and Evidence
- Elements of audit findings
- Audit guidelines
- Audit criteria
- Types of findings
- Fieldwork standards
- Types of evidence
- Hierarchy of evidence.
- Exercise: Distinguish elements of a finding from case studies; identify different types of evidence
10. Audit Reporting and Best Practices
- Reports and report writing
- Presenting audit findings
- Describing key relationships
- Exercises: Various exercises to encourage selected best practice writing/editing practices
- Report outline development
- Developing conclusions
- Developing recommendations
- Exercise: Write a high impact recommendation
- Follow-up and Follow-through
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- Fees Payment - All fees are payable strictly in advance 2 working days before the course starting date.
- Cancellation Fee - Cancellation of any participant 5 working days before the start day of a course will incur a 20% cancellation fee.
We regret that no cancellations will be accepted within 2 working days of a course, but substitutions may be made.